Sanne wants to know if that is snow in the photo. No, not snow, it is coquina rock. Coquina is the native sea rock in our area. It bleaches out in the sun and is full of tiny pastel, purple and pink shells. As it ages and dries over the years, it becomes very hard and durable. Historically and even today, it is used for buildings and many people use it for landscaping accents.
History of Coquina Rock
What is it?
Google Images of Coquina
My sister and I are sitting in the rock garden.

This photo makes me feel very old. Sheesh.
I think I'll throw caution to the wind and have a bubble bath and a little champagne in the middle of the afternoon. We stayed in celebrating last night but tonight, we are going out on the town.
Have fun tonight! Happy Anniversary - I love that wedding pic - what about the bride's bouquet?
I love those Bird of Paradise flowers. :))
Thanks for the good wishes. I'll share them with W4D.
Hope you had a nice holiday.
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