Our Christmas was relaxing and very laid back. Santa wore his shades...

...and left under the tree for me, 12 Sparkling Days of Christmas in a shocking pink box. I have promised myself to have no more than one bottle per day through Epiphany. One should show a little restraint even if it is the holiday season.

Along with the case of raspberry Sparkletini was a bottle of raspberry vodka and a pair of raspberry colored, peppermint stripe pajamas. I guess The Lube thinks I will be spending much of the winter passed out in a raspberry-induced haze. Hey, at least I didn't get a Raspberry Beret, the kind you find in a second hand store. However, I did receive from my sister, the most totally outrageous "Diamond Girl" slippers that are covered with hot pink silk flower petals. I'll post a picture of them later.
I'll be in and out this week. Quite possibly, far out.
{{{I'll be in and out this week. Quite possibly, far out.}}}
Whatever you do, don't drop the martini glass!!!
However did you know? :::blink:::
Smart Moose!
Merry Holiday Week before New Year's, Steena. :))
I'll try to make a picture of them today. Diamond Girl is just the name of the slipper company, not a description of the slippers. Wait until you see them!! LOL
I am supposed to be on vacation but I am being worked to the bone by customers this week.
I really REALLY need a little vacation. :::whimper:::
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