Note the barber pole next door.
I own a tiara and I am not afraid to use it
Okay, so they aren't that good but ...
Made ya look!
More of your previous birthday pix are here.
Happy 23rd!
Momsie ~
I have just returned from a righteous Martini Binge in the oldest, permanent city in the continental USA. I wasn't ready to come home but W4D couldn't stand any more of my nerves that manifest as meanness when I know I must attend to torturous dental procedures in weeks hence. So, this morning, he called my dentist Robin, and got my root canal moved up 16 days. I go in the morning. GACK!
You will remember perhaps, that a couple of weeks ago after 9 shots, they couldn't get my jaw numb enough to do the root canal. They sent me home without the procedure and I took mega doses of antibiotics for 10 days. I guess Novocain is rendered useless in the presence of pus, abscess and infection?
Enough about that. I don't want to talk about it.
Instead, I will show you the Fountain of Youth, as discovered by Juan Ponce de León on 1513.
Maybe I will show you more after I wake up from all the lovely drugs.
Oh, my! Speak to me not of modern kitchens. It sucks that I must cook in the pitiful, ancient kitchen in this 1885 house. I would kill for a new and modern kitchen. Check out the maroon and puke yellow tile that half covers the window over the sink. The last tile update was in the 1940's. Oh, so chic! Note the hand pump on the sink. Check out the cabinets that have been there since the 1800's. The only thing new is the collard greens.
A woman who loves to cook should NOT have to cook in THIS kitchen. I am so very envious of new modern kitchens. :::sigh:::
Gazing outside while washing dishes on a sunny spring day. I never use this vintage sugar bowl for its intended purpose but I like to admire the rich color of it.
I looked at this a long time wondering why the chair had no legs and why that little two-step ladder sat atop it. Never could decide what was going on so I took the picture.
Three of four prescriptions for tomorrow plus my own personal remedy for sleeping tonight. After not falling asleep until 6:23 this morning (this dental phobic worries all night long for a whole week before appointments), I am going to be snoozing by 10 PM tonight.
W4D is driving me to and from the ordeal but I'll have to wake up and start taking meds by 6:00 AM in the morning. I plan to sleep it off all day Monday. Should I get on the computer, just ignore me. It's the drugs typing.
Off I go with my bottle of Jack and my blankie.
The biscuit is soaked with strawberry juice and Cointrou. Best served with lots of whipped cream.
After three days of soaking, slow rain, everything here is so green and lush that it makes you sigh when you walk outside. Long gone are the first colorful Spring blossoms like the Japanese magnolias and azaleas, camelias, bridal veil and usual stuff. Now we are down the lush, vivid greens in every hue and shade.
Soon everything will bloom in the richness of summer and I will be complaining about the heat.
Eff Me. I Hate Summer.
And that's about as much of a post as you are likely to read within the next month due to the most horrible pending dental woes imaginable and my suddenly being married to a very old man. I think I shall soon have to break out the blue hair dye and start eating dinner at 3:30 PM to keep up with W4D.
It sucks getting old even when it is Spring.
Bite Me, People.
There. I feel better now.
Do you know what this thing is? If so, please leave a comment or email.
Today at noon it was 48 degrees and blustery with rain and a dreary cold that chilled me to the bone for the last few days. It's April 9th and I can't remember ever being this cold this time of year, let alone smelling wood smoke from the fireplaces in town on an Easter Sunday. By Saturday, it is supposed to be 88 degrees. Dammit.
I dislike the cold. I hate the heat.
There is about a 3 week weather window in fall and another in spring that is perfect. The rest of the year, I bitch about the weather.
You may have noticed that I am just posting pictures the last few days. I've also killed the colored fonts and reverted to the default Times Roman that I hate.
It's better than nothing. Learn to live with it.