My blog was a promise to myself, for my own enjoyment and to see if I could come up with something vaguely interesting about which to write, five days per week every single Monday through Friday for one year, come hell or high water. I kept that promise to myself blogging all but 14 days over the last year, excepting a little vacation when I was away from all computers plus a couple of sick days when my eyes swelled up, went whacko and I couldn't see to type.
The last two weeks, I only wrote Monday through Thursday. Taking Friday's off two weeks in a row was a treat as well as an experiment. It's the old hand in the bucket theory. When you take your hand out of the bucket, the hole fills right up and neither the bucket nor the water notices that anything is different. Amen to that.
In the next two weeks, I will be re-evaluating this blog, what it means to me and whether or not to continue it. If I do continue, I may keep Flaurella and write less frequently but start another blog where I can say what I really think. Bwahahaha! And no, I won't tell anyone the name of the new blog if I start another. Anonymity would prove a joy to me. I am a traditional southern lady but what's to stop me from letting loose my evil twin? It could prove liberating.
Anyway, I'll be thinking about a list of things I have learned in the last year as the one year anniversary of Flaurella draws near this month. I'll also try to deal with some lifestyle changes that are coming my way.... or not.
My mother just smiled down on me when I wrote, "whatever." When I was an impatient teenager, I must have said "whatever" to my mother fifty-eleven times a day. I just didn't have time to listen or explain or "whatever." I know better now, Mother. I hope I know better.
Good grief. Little Miss Maudlin needs another toonie.
Here's a picture I took that makes me smile. I like the way the apple seeds are peeking out of the slits. Even a slice of apple has its secrets and that, I assure you, has nothing to do with anything.

Ambiguously yours,
Flaurella ~
i for one will be very sad if you stop writing here. i have enjoyed reading you--i check your site every day, and i check out your flicr pics at least a couple of times a week. i feel like you and i are rather kindred spirits to tell you the truth. as you know, i also go back and forth on the frequency of writing, but i don't know--i always come back. here's hoping you do too! i will miss you if you're gone.
I took to my bed with the vapors. I can not even imagine a day when my beloved Flaurella is not longer sharing her days with me.... lIke Celie told Shug in The Color Purple, "What us gonn do?"
annie p
I only check here once in a now and then, would be sorry to come and not find you. Would also be sorry to remove "Flaurella" from my bookmark list. It's so different than all the others.
I've just found you! Don't abandon ship now! I can't say that I understand completely where you are coming from with this post, as it seems to me that whatever restrictions you've placed upon yourself in regard to content are self imposed, but I DO understand the need to be able to voice how you really feel about something. I support the idea of being anonymous if that will accomplish the goal, but feel sad for you if that is what is necessary in order to achieve it. The blog you write is YOURS and you should be free to say whatever it is you want to. Perhaps branching into that direction will bring you more satisfaction, I hope that it does! I like your blog, what ever you decide, just don't give up, ok?
I promise, I wouldn't dare! :))
* hugs from Florida,
Thanks for the kind words, Jackie. Yes, we do have lots and lots in common. I am always amazed at how we keep coming up so many things we both enjoy. We are indeed kindred spirits who met blogging and that is very cool.
Dear Anon in Bed with dem Vapors,
Thank you so much for reminding me of Celie and even thinking of me and Shug in the same sentence. Flaurella and Honey salute you and are so very flattered that we promise to keep sharing.
Dear Elizabeth,
Thank you for coming to visit. I am flattered that you read and enjoy Flaurella. Please do not delete my bookmark. A few changes will be for the better and I'll look forward to hearing from you again soon.
Dear Kim, Mrs. Newlywed,
Thank you for your right on advice. As always, you tell it like it is and we just love that about you!
Me and all my Sybils will keep trying to integrate and we will not give up. Thanks for the encouragement. We feel better already.
Ahhhh, jk,
But did you say it like a southern Valley Girl and roll your eyes like I used to do??
Like "whuuut-evahh." ??
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