This is the Lubricator's suggested itinerary for this afternoon and evening.
I rec'd this email a short time ago:
Dog off this afternoon ?
Failure to Launch at 2:10 or 2:40
Bang Bang at 4:40 PM
Bombay at 6 PM
B Ball at 9:45 PM
Batta Boom at 11:45
So, he wants to take the afternoon off, see a movie in town, followed by cocktail hour with Bang Bang Shrimp at the Bonefish Grill, Sapphire martinis (at home?) followed by the Sweet Sixteen basketball game on the tube. (Go GATORS!) I am not sure what "Batta Boom" is, but I have a pretty good idea. Maybe he means Bada Bing, Bada Boom.
So, I wrote him right back and said I am in the middle of an update and I have to get it done before the new Martha Stewart magazine comes out (More on that another time) and while I'd love to play all afternoon, I really must work. (Being self-employed can be so restricting.)
I sent off my regrets via email and got an immediate reply:
I should work also, new plan:
Bombay at 5 PM
B Ball at 9:45 PM
Batta Boom at 11:45
Golly, he's planning on a fast basketball game. I don't think the game will be over until at least 12:15 AM. And, he's most certainly planning on our GATORS getting to the Elite 8 since there is no batta boom, bada bing, blam blam, bing bam, hanky panky, pokey poke when the GATORS lose.
There's obviously a lot riding on this game.
Batta Boom!

Thanks for visiting my blog, I saw your visit in my counter's log and came to peek. Sending some Brazillian vibes to your Batta Boom! Go for it with lots of spice!
You made me sorry I've never seen a Gator game...
Hi Sue,
Nice of you to visit! Thank you for the Brazillian vibes. Wish I could read your blogs. I recognized the movie reveiws, :))
Have a joyful weekend. Spice it up!
this sounds remarkably similar to some of the changes the hippie made to my ToDo list yesterday. there are a number of rather suspiciously worded items on there that i certainly didn't add. ;)
Hey Jackie,
It's a good thing to be penciled in on the itinerary. ;-)
"Suspiciously worded items" sounds like wicked fun. I just bet you having a nice weekend.
Congrats on the new house!! I'll be reading your blog to learn more details as you have them to share.
lol, extra bada i hope....
We won our Sweet Sixteen game and then the Elite Eight game. Whew! We are down to the Final Four game this coming weekend. I love March Madness. The off court action is as good as the games.
Batta Boom!
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