This week was sort of quiet. I watched a lot of baseball and am happy to announce that my GATORS won last night and will be playing Texas for the World Championship in the College World Series. Guess I will have to toss together some sort of baseball party. I can't think of a single thing to serve except beer and hot dogs. Perhaps, I can come up with something more original, like Texas Longhorn Beef. ha!
I was watching the credits for Six Feet Under this week when I noticed the director's name, Jeremy Podeswa. I did a double take! "Podeswa?" Who is he trying to kid? I ran his name through and checked out his body of work. (now that's a weird expression, body of work, a cadaver of old stuff) Anyway, Mr. Podeswa has a decent list of credits and filmography. It makes me wonder if he just can't spell or if he's trying to be gender-precious. I wonder what his real name is? Of course, Peau de soi is sort of hard to spell but why would you name yourself that by choice and then spell it phonetically? Sometimes, these things just baffle me, especially when W4D is out of town and I have no one else to amuse me.
Speaking of DH, here is a recent display of his thoughtful affection for the cook. I bought him this nice stainless steel grill. We have had it over a year and use it 4 or 5 nights a week. We grill all winter long, we grill in the rain, we grill anything and everything so we can make sure we get our share of char-broiled carcinogens. The grill is a really nice one, expertly insulated and easy to use. Why then, I ask you, did DH suddenly tie this filthy, ragged, tattered towel to the handle that raises the hood? It doesn't get hot so why the towel? And why use a shop towel with no hems and one that has motor oil on it? We really do have lots of nice towels, cheerful red and white woven kitchen towels are abundant at my house as are crisp white hand towels and napkins. Why would anyone decide to use a greasy shop rag and tie it to the grill with old string?
I asked DH/W4D about this strange addition to the grill and he informed me that he thought it would be nice for me not to have to touch the metal (stainless steel, mind you) bar when I open the grill.
"Umm, yes dear, you are so thoughtful. I would much rather touch this disgusting, old greasy towel that you dug up from the rag pile in your work shop."

Thankfully, it doesn't look nearly as awful in the photo as it did in person.
1 comment:
GO Texas! Might I suggest a Texas barbeque including beef briskit, pork roast, ribs and Chappell Hill sausage, direct from Chappell Hill, Texas, just a hop and skip from Houston, and cooked with a dry rub, optional sauce offered to accompany the end? And don't forget potato salad, cole slaw and Texas caviar. (Black eye pea salad.) That's what I'm talkin' 'bout!
annie p.
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