This is the bath in which I have all my personal accoutrement. It is full of bubble concoctions, scented salts, herbs, potions and lotions and girly things. I have relaxation CD's and my favorite music and pink glass wind chimes hanging in the double window which looks out on a huge, old magnolia tree. The bath is full of scented candles. The wallpaper is pastel pink roses with cream, accented with a little pale mint green. It never gets man hairs in the sink or towel lint on the floor since no one uses it but me.

I have this little color AC/DC TV that has an embedded VCR. It's is cute and white and not an ugly dark TV and frankly, it does go nicely with all the white wicker and porcelain in my private bath.
Now keep in mind that this is a Victorian 1885 house with no extraneous electrical outlets, and certainly no extra cable or DSL outlets. Some rooms didn't even have electric when we moved here many years ago. There were gas lights only in some rooms.
So, DH keeps offering to wire my cute little white TV into the bath, next to my tub where I loll about two or three times per week. Isn't that thoughtful? Dear Hubby brings this up frequently. He surely seems to want me to have TV in my bathroom. Perhaps this is so that he can watch even more sports on TV if I am occupied elsewhere? Maybe he just wants me to be able to watch Turner Classic Movies in the tub?
During supper last night, DH, aka W4D, calmly and nonchalantly expressed the fact that we might want to consider purchasing life insurance for me. This is a somewhat predictable discussion that occurs every year or so and usually follows those times when I inquire about his retirement status. Logical thought, right?
While I plan to outlive him by at least 20 years, I do find this discussion somewhat disconcerting, especially after it follows the intention of insertion and elevation of an electrical device next to my bathtub.
Tonight, I was informed that I can have 10K life insurance for only $15 per month. Excuse me?? Not a bargain, said I, a losing proposition since I plan to outlive the math - to which, DH immediately informed me that I could instead have 500K life insurance at my age for only $375 per month.
My brows lifted as I gave him an incredulous look. The bum then smiled and said we would only need pay it for a couple of months.
I don't think I will allow him to wire that cute little white TV next to my bathtub.
Next thing you know you'll have your computer in there and lord knows DH will probably never see you again. Everytime your adorable daughter comes to visit she will spend most of the time running you cocktails and bon bons... Then again that doesn't sound to bad
MmmmMMMmmm! Cocktails and bon bons. YUM!
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