72 degree Florida on a balmy Christmas Eve.
I own a tiara and I am not afraid to use it
Pomegranite wine from Armenia tastes swell. Would be great with pork roast. 100% antioxident, too!
Read about this in a NY Times review and had to try it for my birthday. Going to buy a case. Highly reccomended!
Not taking any chances on the Oasis of the Seas.
This is my granddaughter, Baby Binks, floating in our pool at 7 weeks of age. I have about a thousand -- okay, at least several HUNDRED new pix to share but am finding it difficult to make the time to sort, let alone make some clever photo presentations -- so keep watching and I promise to get a some new series of pix posted within the next few days.
That said...
Is it not the sweetest time when babies fill out and thrive?
Weekends are the BEST now that we can play with our little water baby, Miss Biannca!
From rhizome clump to five feet tall in 3 months, canna lilies grow quickly and thrive in the heat and humidity here in Florida. By fall, W4D will be hacking them back with his machete. Click here for another view with more detail.
Cheerful yellow Gerbera daisy in my kitchen reminds me that I am loved. So do several other beautiful floral arrangements in the kitchen, family room and my office..
A day without fresh flowers is worse than a day without sunshine. Thanks, W4D, for showering me with flowers this week and every week.
Tucker gets a bath in my daddy's Red Flyer wagon
This picture was taken at the GATOR Spring game this past weekend by The Gainesville Sun. If you click on the pic and go to the original as posted on FLICKR, (or GatorSports) you can see the notes and exactly where W4D, daughter Kait, and her SO, John, are noted and marked.
I just have one other comment on my GATORS this Spring and that is, "We so totally ROCK!" Don't bet on anyone else to win the National Championship (NCAA for my friends across the Pond) this coming football season. It's raining men, and GATORS! Halleluia!
These beautiful eggs were made for W4D by our friend, Linda Gail. She used fresh flowers and leaves from her yard, positioned them on each egg and carefully wrapped each egg in hosery before boiling them in a solution of water and red onion skins.
Hard to see in this picture but the chlorophyll from the leaves tints the flora silhouettes on the eggs a pale green that is lovely against the rich brown and sienna of the onion skin dye.
What a pity to crack and eat them but deviled eggs are calling my name...