I received 4 of the largest Peep hearts ever. Each is about 3.5 inches across. I didn't even know they made them that big. If you've read my blog for any length of time, you know I have a thing for Peeps, those icky, sticky seasonal sugared marshmallow candies that will practically smack you right into diabetic shock. Generous friends have gifted me with Peep mouse pads and official Peep hats, genuine Peep factories and more. Everyone knows I not only like to eat seasonal Peeps but I like to nuke 'em and blow 'em up. I even have a collection of petrified Peeps from holidays of years past but I'll save that for another day.
So, W4D gave me pink heart Peeps on the porch.

But before you think he's cheap...
There was more.
This was sitting nearby!

Another Valentine gift.

How cool is that?
I've been wanting a Highlander for several years and now I have one. Everyone says it matches my hair color. 4 giant Peeps and a blonde Highlander!

Good hubbie.
Happy wife.
... And it's not even Valentine's Day yet.
Sanne, Yes, you MUST start Valentine's Day in Denmark. It would cheer up the cold and gray month of February. Chocolates and flowers are the traditional gifts but lingerie, love potions and anything romantic and thoughtful is a good gift.
Glad you had a nice visit with mother. While the men are out having male bonding fun, you drink wine and have a cozy fire and take bubble baths. :))
whoo-hoo! u go girl! Happy Valentines Day - I'm so jealous!
Frankie-good work!!!
Yes, JK, I am tickled with the Highlander. I have to give her a name and then decide what to do with Carmela.
This is a fascinating post.
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