Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Peeps Factory

Back in December when I was nuking snowman Peeps, gentle and generous reader Kathleen in Arkansas sent me a gift of an adorable Peeps mouse pad and an oh so fashionable purple Peeps hat with a yellow, embroidered chick and the official logo. Wonder of wonders, I have been Peep Gifted yet again! This time, FBA (Flaurella Blog Addict, her words, not mine) Karen from Daytona, has sent me a genuine Peeps Factory. Whoo Hoo!

I can now put on a hair net and my Official Peeps Hat and pump genuine Peeps our of my very own Peep Assembly Line in my very own kitchen. This is just too cool for words! I'm making Peeps today just as fast I can. The Easter Bunny needs all the help I can provide.

The Peep Factory
Official Peep Factory

Peep Kids
Happy Peep Kids

Official Peep Mix
The Official Peep Mix

Making Purple Peeps
Making Purple Peeps

Making Yellow Peeps
Making Yellow Peeps

Finished Peeps
Finished Peeps

Official Peep Hat
Official Peep Hat

Official Peeps Logo
Official Peeps Logo

And, no, we didn't finish the taxes yet. The Right Honorable Lubricator has a council meeting tonight and if he escapes unscathed, we will finish the taxes on Friday. There's a full moon and I hope no one is gunning for him. Small town politics are brutal even when things are calm but throw a full moon into the fray and it's time to get out the bullet proof vest.


jk said...

Hey Little Flo-Peep-Maker...those turned out great!!

Flaurella said...


minnetonkafelix said...

Hello Flaurella
Thanks for the kind words on the passing of our Dog "Mardi". Best wishes with yours. - I had to take the advice of a friend when the time came and let her go with dignity.
Hey, I like your blog. How in the world did you find mine?


Flaurella said...

Hi Felix,

I was googling "old dogs" and I think your site came up then. Or maybe I was googling "goodgator." One or the other but I suspect it was "old dogs." Thanks for writing and have a joyous holiday weekend.