ReVah Pommegranite Wne
Originally uploaded by flaurella
Pomegranite wine from Armenia tastes swell. Would be great with pork roast. 100% antioxident, too!
Read about this in a NY Times review and had to try it for my birthday. Going to buy a case. Highly reccomended!
Look what I've made tonight:
I've just started, but already translated (very quick translation, so no laughing pls) most of my December posts. More to follow. I still need to work on the layout and find a statistic counter. But now I'll go drink tea with DH.
Have a lovely day, dear. :)
Produced by the Proshyan Brandy Factory of Yerevan, Armenia, ReVah Pomegranate Wine has a tart, peppery flavor complemented by a naturally sweet fruitiness. A perfect accompaniment to spicy dishes, may be served chilled. Made from 100% pomegranates, no sugar is added. Pomegranates are also an excellent anti-oxident.
Amazing! If you are looking for a fresh, sweet and smooth after dinner or dessert wine, this is perfect. I try and stock up when I find it. Usually for $9.99. This wine will get you hooked and keep you coming back for more. Always open a bottle just to have as a casual drink during parties! Makes a great conversation starter too, because it is unique.
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