It's a misty cool day here, a good day to stay tucked inside. My gladiolus have already sprouted over a foot tall. If they don't freeze back I may have gladiola blooms in March instead of May. Everything is turning green and my dogwood has buds.

Dogwood Bud, Feb 7th
See North Florida set for more.
Even though we're having a wet and mild winter, I am more than ready for Spring. Remind me that I wrote this a couple of months from now when I am bitching about the heat.
I'm making comfort food for dinner -- meatloaf, veggies and mashed potatoes. What sort of cocktails does one serve before eating meatloaf? Maybe beer? I think there are a couple of Amberbocks in the back of the fridge. Since I am not much of a beer drinker, I'll probably have a bourbon. Hmmmm. Beer and Bourbon. Isn't that a boilermaker? Euuu. I am not drinking that.
man, we have a lot in common flaurella--my bog post yesterday contains a bu picture as well. and last night for dinner, we opted for comfort food as well--i made chicken pot pie with fluffy homemade biscuit dough on top. we also had the cocktail dilemma, and as always, ended up with wine. not very creatinve, i admit, but it WAS good. :)
I love pot pie with a layer of biscuit on top. Yum! We ended up having vodka martinis, couldn't stomach the thought of boiler makers. We always have wine with dinner.
We have lots in common for certain. You and I like so many of the same things. I wish daffs grew here but it gets too warm in the summer and they never come up the second year. I know, I've tried.
Stay warm this week. We are freezing down here!
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