Give me back my state, please! It's time for snakes, bugs, rabid gators and hurricanes so everyone who doesn't need to be here should kindly evacuate immediately. Thankyew in advance.
This spring, I am looking forward to visiting the Butterfly Rainforest at the Florida Museum of Natural History. Everyone says it is delightful. We have many beautiful butterflies in Florida and the University of FL has a really dandy Natural History department.
After you view the link above, click Home on that page and read more about it. And, if you love butterflies as do I, you will enjoy visiting Eclectica's Butterfly micro site. Have a look, brighten up your day. Go ahead, you'll like it. ::::nudge::::nudge::::

It's Abundanza Night here at the old house so I am not going to take pix of leftovers even if they do look delish.
Greetings Hula Gal!
Spring arrives and the snowbirds fly north.
Life is good!
HellooOOOooo W4D, you handsome hunk of manhood! Welcome to my humble a-blog. Why dontcha come up and see me sometime?
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