Entrance to Fountain of Youth
Originally uploaded by flaurella.
I have just returned from a righteous Martini Binge in the oldest, permanent city in the continental USA. I wasn't ready to come home but W4D couldn't stand any more of my nerves that manifest as meanness when I know I must attend to torturous dental procedures in weeks hence. So, this morning, he called my dentist Robin, and got my root canal moved up 16 days. I go in the morning. GACK!
You will remember perhaps, that a couple of weeks ago after 9 shots, they couldn't get my jaw numb enough to do the root canal. They sent me home without the procedure and I took mega doses of antibiotics for 10 days. I guess Novocain is rendered useless in the presence of pus, abscess and infection?
Enough about that. I don't want to talk about it.
Instead, I will show you the Fountain of Youth, as discovered by Juan Ponce de León on 1513.
Maybe I will show you more after I wake up from all the lovely drugs.