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Too busy to write. We got a puppy yesterday!
Meet Tommy T. Tucker, age 10 weeks.

Here's Tucker
He's very smart and very sweet. He kept us up all night but we didn't even mind. Tucker misses snuggling with his sister and other playmates so we gave him the stuffed Georgia bulldog that W4D hangs from the flag pole every year for the Florida Georgia game. I wish I had a play pen to keep Tuck from trying to chew the electrical cords. I have to keep an eye on him every second and learn to watch under my feet. He's a little charmer and slept in the bed with us on his first night here. Well, he didn't really sleep, he played all night. That's okay. He's only a puppy for a little while.

What a cutie!
Wish I could get him to hold still long enough for some good pictures but there's a recent few snaps on my FLICKR page. I know you'll want to see them all.
It's been 5 months since we lost our best buddy and we plan to start looking for puppies tomorrow. We're not in a hurry but it's time to start looking. Nothing else to write about on the last day of summer (yaye!) so watch this cute old 1951 Warner Brother's cartoon and have a dandy weekend.
In my never-ending quest to slurp down more martini's than anyone in North Florida, I have come up with my own variation for the Key Lime Pie martini. There's a lot of recipes out there for Key Lime Pie libations but I tend to mix up whatever I have on hand and it usually turns out pretty tasty. Here's how I make my Key Lime Toonie:
First, you must make the graham cracker crumbs to rim the glass. I had plain graham crackers on hand since I don't like sugared ones so I pulverized a few graham crackers and added a little ground cinnamon and a little bit of sugar. I rimmed the glasses with lime and then dipped the rims into the graham, cinnamon and sugar crumb mix.
Into your biggest shaker that is filled about 2/3 of the way with ice add a 12 count of vanilla flavored vodka. I do a three count ounce so that's 4 ounces of vanilla vodka. Add the juice of 1/2 large lime (about 2 -3 ounces). Strain it through a little strainer so you don't get any seeds in the shaker. I didn't have any key limes on hand so I just used a regular lime. Key limes are small so if you use them you may need more than one. For good measure, I also added a splash of Rose's Lime, about an ounce. Now, add a half a small can of Coco Lopez sweetened real coconut cream, about 4 ounces. Put the lid on that shaker and rock and rattle until your husband comes rushing into the room to see what's shakin.'
Strain into large rimmed martini glasses,
garnish with a chunk of lime and enjoy.

Key Lime Pie Martini
* Flavored rum would be good instead of vanilla vodka. But you do need a vanilla flavor so if you don't have vanilla vodka or you decide to use rum, add a little - maybe a 1/4 teaspoon, of vanilla extract.
* Don't skip the graham cracker crumbs on the rim of the glass. That's what makes it taste just like Key Lime pie.
* We liked this cocktail but found it too sweet for the cocktail hour. Save it for an after dinner drink.
Sitting here watching the rain on a gloomy day. This weather is going to bring us our first cool weather of autumn. It cannot arrive soon enough.
Getting ready to make a nice crisp salad and some cheese ravioli for supper. I'll coarsely chop the tomatoes and add some sliced fresh mushrooms and black olives to a bowl, adding plenty of fresh basil and cracked pepper (no salt!) and then liberally cover with my best extra virgin olive oil and let it sit for an hour or two, stirring once in a while. The veggies and oil will meld and make a nice topping for a big bowl of fresh romaine lettuce. I'll rub the salad bowl with a fresh clove of garlic and add a little red wine vinegar when I toss the salad. The veggie infused oil and added vinegar becomes the dressing.

Vine Ripe
I am looking more forward to the salad than the ravioli which is fresh but :::gasp::: store bought. Even The Flaurella is sometimes too busy to cook from scratch.
The Lubricator has informed me of what he wants for Christmas.

Click catalog item to view larger photo
It's a clever idea from Grill Lovers but I plan to remind Mr. Man that he already has an expensive tractor and a choice of 6 coolers in various sizes and colors. I'll just put a couple of Bungees in his stocking instead.
Yes, we had a 6.0 earthquake in Florida on Sunday.
No, I didn't even notice it.
People from Louisiana to South Florida to North Carolina felt it. People who live very near us were all talking about the rocking and rolling that lasted almost 20 seconds. It was big news, yet we never felt a thing.
I'm disappointed that I missed it. I can't even blame a martini since the earthquake happened a couple of minutes before 11:00AM on Sunday morning and I was sitting right here at the computer desk, sober as a judge.
We had a previous earthquake from the same epicenter last February. I didn't notice that one either. Florida has had earthquakes before but I may never get to feel the action. I think living in a 123 year old house that is elevated above the ground on piers with huge old beams must absorb the motion better than a house on a slab foundation. All I know is I never felt a thing. Bummer.

Drats. I missed it.