A housesitter here has certain perks. In the fridge I found a cute wheel of white Stilton with blueberries. YUM! White Stilton is often mixed with dried fruits and it's mild and creamy and doesn't have the blue veins of regular Stilton that makes English Stilton taste much like bleu cheese. Flaurella has Blueberry Stilton in her fridge. This stuff is seriously delish!

I am eating this lovely cheese with some Carr's water wafers as I sit beneath the wisteria that hangs off the fence around the pool. (That Flaurella must drink like a fish.) The liquor cabinet is extensive but alas, no Port. (So much for class.) Flaurella would say it is too hot to work outside so I am not going to do a thing but nibble cheese and sip the icy grape vodka I found in the freezer.

Anyway, it is warm and lovely here today but the pool needs scooped. They don't seriously expect moi to do that, do they? All of these blueberries, grapes and wisteria puts me in a giddy lavender-purpley mood. I wonder if she has any dried lavender or bath salts?
Until next time - if I don't get caught.