Monday, November 06, 2006

My Fellow Americans...

Today/Tomorrow/whenever you read this...

Tuesday is a very important day. Aside from my having a dental appointment and getting to take a legal shitload of Xanax and other meds, your resident dental phobic reminds each of you to please remember that it is not only your right and your privilege, but your duty to vote tomorrow, November 7th. Please stand up and be counted.

Just think! If 75 to 95% of our citizens made their opinions known by voting, by committing their political opinions to paper/chad/pixel, there would be much less whining about the state of politics all year long. You'd simply have to blame yourself instead of the other dude who voted when you didn't even bother.

Can you imagine what a 75 - 85 - 95% turnout would do to the political leaning of our country?

Get out there. Vote your heart.
Make a difference.

If you don't vote, the only person you can blame is yourself. For four fricken, miserable years.

Furthermore, I don't give a flip about how you vote. Just do it.
I'm sick of hearing about it.

FYI, The Flaurella, in her long, heavily opinionated lifetime of has only missed voting twice, in two little un-earth-shattering local ballots. I make it a point to vote every single election unless I am unexpectedly out of my current precinct/state/country and that has only happened twice. But, since I will be under the influence of narcotics tomorrow, legally drugged, not at all in control of my faculties, I have recorded my ballots for the candidates and all the gnarly, sneaky, gibberish constitutional State Amendments on a faux ballot, a genuine cheat sheet. If I get time, I will write the answers on my palms but if not, I will carry and leave my cheat sheet in the booth so that perhaps I can persuade the next poor sucker who is not in control of his faculties to vote my way as well. Yeah, that's the ticket.

PS. My fave Town Councilman, after one year's service, may now be legally impeached.

I plan to start the ball rolling ASAP.

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