I have proclaimed this week, "National Flaurella's Not Cooking Week." It's too hot to cook and I am sick of cooking and I'm not gonna take it anymore. Hayell, I may proclaim the whole month of August as "National Flaurella's Not Cooking Month."
So, I email W4D ( for the benefit of you new readers, that's an acronym for What's 4 Dinner, the nickname of my DH since that is always the foremost question on his mind) and in a complete role reversal, I ask:
"What's for dinner?"
Back comes his email reply.
"Dinner tonight will be culinary combination of flower (sic) and yeast, covered in a vegetable garden of delectable delights, surrounded by cardboard and brought to you in a recreational all terrain vehicle."
I think that means he's planning on picking up Domino's Pizza in the RAV on his way home from work.
