Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Happy Birthday, Twinkie

Tomorrow is the 75th Anniversarty of the Twinkie. Did you know that people actually make recipes and create menu items from Twinkies and Ding Dongs? I hear they are deep frying Twinkies at the State Fair. I can't even imagine what a fried Twinkie tastes like. Bleccch! Aren't the Twinkie people the same folks who bring us Wonder Bread? Go visit Planet Twinkie. I don't remember often eating Twinkies as a kid. To me, they always tasted like chemicals on cardboard. How about some Twinkie Sushi?
Compliments of Hostess
My DH thinks "Tasty Cake" products are the ultimate sweet lunch box snack. To me, they are right down there with Twinkies but then I don't know much about them since we didn't have them in the south when I was growing up.
Official Little Debbie Logo
I like Little Debbie products. They've been around about 45 years but what we ate mostly as kids was Moonpies. Surely you have heard of Moonpies and an RC Cola. That was really and truly our afternoon snack as kids. RC Cola had more bite than a Co'Cola or a Pepsi and it cost less, too. A few years ago, I went to a VFCJ convention in Atlanta and on the pillow of the bed was a Moonpie and an RC Cola. That's hospitality! We also spend time in a friend's cabin in NC that is named "Moonpie" so Moonpies are dear to my heart for several reasons. I was going to tell you some Moonpie stories but I just discovered that a lot of people have beaten me to the punch.

That reminds me, DH bought me some GooGoo Clusters the other day. GooGoo Supremes are one of my fave snacks. The label reads, "An American Institution since 1912." Supremes are made of milk chocolate, pecans, caramel and marshmallow. They weigh 1.5 ounces and are sort of a cross between a Moonpie and a "turtle" candy.

Delish! Time for a snack!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Those googoos should have been *in* an institution since 1912. Yech.

    Yeah, give me more sugar. And candy. And sugar. And jelly beans. And sugar. Go to dinner with Billary Clintoon, fer christssake. Sheesh.
