If you've followed this blog, you already know that W4D (What's 4 Dinner?) is my husband and that he loves to grocery shop as much as he loves to eat.
It was Farmer's Market Day and yesterday afternoon, he arrived home from work toting the following:
snap beans
spaghetti squash
a couple of pounds of fresh shrimp
and a lemon meringue pie from the bakery.
The second trip to the car yielded red wine, white wine, vodka, bourbon, a cheerful red and yellow bouquet of fresh flowers and an adorable little bouquet of fresh herbs.
W4D is very good about bringing me flowers at least once a week but this was my first herb bouquet. It is so convenient having our little local Farmer's market this summer. Everything is picked fresh same day and we know most of the farmers and the shoppers.
The flowers were lovely and showy but my fave is the little herb bouquet, tied with chives and lily leaves. I spy parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme, oregano, mint, dill and tarragon.

My kitchen is fragrant.